Monday, February 1, 2016

Departure Finally

We have set our departure date and are as good as ready for February 4. There is always something that will delay us, so we just had to set a date and just go.

For those who haven't heard our rough plans, we are travelling Australia in our motorhome for 1+ years, heading for Victoria first, across to South Australia so we can drive up through the centre via Ulluru and winter in the Northern Territory. Across to Broome by early spring and driving south through WA as summer arrives. What happens in between and after that we'll worry about then.

Our plan is to do semi-regular updates every few weeks so you can keep track of our movements, and hopefully catch up when we are in your neighborhood or meet up if you are travelling yourselves and are in the vicinity.

We look forward to your comments, tips and ideas as we progress.

Being brand new to blogging I will keep it really simple, but again if you have any tips or ideas let me know.


  1. Safe Travels, look forward to seeing where your adventure takes you- Rayleene & Paul

  2. Safe journey. We will miss you.
    Luv Steve n Mandy
